Air Amasorane

Name: Air Amasorane -天音 アイル (Amasorane Airu)
Hair color: Pink-purple
Age: 15
Birthday: 3 May is the date of the first voicebank. 22 July is the date of her phoenix resurrection.
Type: ARiAloid (From her old name)
Model: 00SV-ARiAloid
Nationality: Italian

Voicebank list: CV v.4° (not released yet)
Voice sample: Meltdown

Related characters:
SHiRO Amasorane - Twin brother figure
AVVENiRE Amasorane - Little sister figure
IA - Idol

Likes: The sky, music, dreaming, the sea, tecnology. 
Dislikes: Dirt, rainy days, dirty water, dead bugs.
Name meaning: The heavenly sound of the sky

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